Control the Clutter Monster in Three Easy Steps
Okay, there's actually more than three steps to get control of all the clutter in your home. These steps however will go a long way in taming the clutter that may have taken over your home. If you've ever wanted a neat orderly home, but the thought of constantly cleaning and polishing nature somewhat ill can use these tips to stay neat, clean and organized. Most homes have a great deal of clutter lying around that in turn makes the whole house look disheveled and dirty. By taking control of the clutter in the misplaced things, your cleaning routine doesn't need to be an ongoing ordeal. Here's three tips that can keep your home looking better between housecleaning days.
1. Handle the mail. If you're like most households, you probably get literally piles of mail in the course of a week. From catalogs, advertisements, direct mail offerings, etc. all pile up with your promise to go through it "later." This first tip is to make later "now"!
Review all your catalogs, and if it's been more than three months that you haven't ordered anything, consider stopping those catalogs from coming. Many stores use a catalog as a type of picture book in an attempt to generate additional sales. Don't fall for it.
Next sort your mail over the trash. Anything that looks like third class or junk mail or anything that doesn't interest you, instead of saving it for later get rid of it now. A lot of third class advertising type offers look official and important. Go ahead and opened it up, give it a quick scan and drop it into the trash below.
2. Are you a movie freak? Many people enjoy watching movies and listening to music on CDs. One way to help with clutter is to organize these entertainment jewels in racks. When selecting them enjoying a movie, take the CD or DVD case and place it in close proximity to the actual player. Not on the floor or on top of the television! Make it a point never to have more than a couple movies, out of the organization rack at one time.
3. Take control of the flatlands. Cluttered horizontal surfaces do more to make your home look disheveled and out of control than anything else. If you come home and toss your keys, wallet or purse, cell phone, etc. just anywhere, consider giving a decorator basket to keep everything in one place. By making it a point to keep your personal effects in order and in one location, you not only make your home look neater but you also save time looking for things that come up missing.
Wide areas of blank space make the room look clean and neat. No matter what size your kitchen countertops may be, focus on keeping the clutter off of them. This means finding a cabinet shelf for that Tupperware canister set. When finished eating, richer plates and put them directly in the dishwasher or stack them neatly in the sink for later washing. Coffee cups, plates, ice cream bowls etc. should also be immediately placed in the dishwasher or rinsed and stacked.
Another large flat area is your kitchen or dining room table. By keeping the clutter cleared off this large area, the rest of the room will by default look better. Consider using an inexpensive tablecloth and a silk flower arrangement to give your table a touch of homeliness.
If you're not organized already but recognize the need, you're on your way to a cleaner looking house. These tips help many people get and stay organized because they are little adjustments to your daily routine. The key to success is to realize small changes can equal big success
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