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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Off Grid Living

Off Grid Living has been our mission for over 13 years. When my wife Jane and I set out in 1994 to live without the monthly bill to the power company we were not prepared for the difficulties we would face, or the ultimate joy in having achieved our goal. Our Neighbors, who once scorned our efforts, now wonder about making the same choice we have. It’s no wonder, as local household electric bills average from $150 to $300 a month. Off Grid Living looks very appealing now.

In 1994 we moved across the province of Ontario to settle on our 20 acres of woodland and make our dream of off grid living a reality. Back then we were known as ‘those people who live down that road without hydro’. It took some time, but most of our neighbors now embrace our lifestyle. We built our own timber frame home cutting most of the lumber ourselves. Our gardens are now among the best in the area. But, by far the most important point about off grid living is our commitment to renewable energy usage. As long as our power source ( and heat) is renewing itself, we are not depleting resources of the planet. Sustainable living is possible by using off grid living techniques.

Granted, off grid living is not for everyone. Read no further if the well-being and maintenance of our planet earth is no concern to you. If you are addicted to fossil fuel guzzling gadgets then our lifestyle would not interest you. If you don’t want to eat fresh organic produce or feel the wonderful radiant heat of firewood burning in your woodstove then read no further. If you don’t want to power your home with clean solar power or the power of the wind , and would rather live next door to a nuclear power plant then just stop reading. Finally, if clean fresh air and water for your children, and their children, and their children is of no interest to you then off grid living is not for you.

Are these things important to you? They are very important to Jane and I , and a growing list of subscribers to our newsletter. We welcome input from all interested people. And it is free.

We have been working at off grid living for over 13 years. Come and see our website full of helpful tips on how to make your lifestyle more relaxed and free from stress. Off grid living is what you need to help your family today.