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Monday, February 05, 2007

Property in Costa Rica – Where Second Homes Are a Good Investment

If you’re thinking of buying a second home, then you should consider buying property in Costa Rica - as prices are currently still inexpensive, but are rising rapidly.

By buying property in Costa Rica, you’ll be able to take advantage of a real estate boom that’s set to continue for many years to come.

Let’s look at why buying a property in Costa Rica is such a good investment:

Property Prices in Costa Rica are rising

Investors that purchased a $30,000 property 15 years ago, now find that their property is worth as much as $750,000.

Another example of the Costa Rica property boom is the Marriot Corporation, which built the Los Suenos Resort, pre selling fifty condominiums of 2000 square feet for $250,000.

The following year, Marriot sold another fifty at $350,000. This year’s upper end units are being sold for as much as $450,000 to $850,000!

The biggest change in property in Costa Rica during the past decade is that prices have dramatically increased as Costa Rica has attracted more foreign buyers - and prices have doubled, or tripled, from 10 years ago.

Property in Costa Rica is Inexpensive

Despite these huge property price rises, Costa Rican real estate is still cheap compared to countries such as the US. A lovely three bedroom property can be purchased for as little as $60,000, and prices for beachfront properties cost up to 75% less than in US states such as Florida and Arizona.

Property prices in Costa Rica will continue to increase in value over the coming years, but there’s another way to ensure that your properties value exceeds what is already an excellent average growth rate - and here we need to look at location:

The Importance of Location

When buying property in Costa Rica, you need to look at the infrastructure - which can improve an area’s value.

Here are examples of three infrastructure changes that will increase property prices in adjacent areas:

A New Freeway: Scheduled to be completed shortly, which will link the largest metropolitan cities to the Pacific Coast, thereby generating an increased flow of traffic and fueling buying interest in adjacent areas.

A New Marina: The largest marina in Costa Rica,is due to be completed soon in the Town of Quepos.

A New Airport: A new international airport is planned for the town of Orotina in the near future.

When buying property in Costa Rica, being in ahead of the crowd - before an important part of the infrastructure is completed, will enable perceptive buyers to take advantage of price rises after the infrastructure is completed.

If you’re buying property in Costa Rica, (or anywhere else for that matter) then you need to consider location before buying.

Modular Homes: Built Better to Meet Today's Demanding Housing Market

There are many reasons to consider buying a modular home these days. Today people are looking for value for every dollar spent, and modular homes offer just that. With the improvement in quality of modular homes, they can be a better choice then conventional construction in most areas. And don’t think that modular homes can’t live up to that dream house of fantasy. Today modular homes are built to more varied specifications and architectural designs then ever before including multi level, split level, post modernistic and many traditional styles. If it can be envisioned, more then likely there is a company that can modularize its construction. Here are some of the reasons that modular homes are such a great value.

They can be completed Faster

Modular homes from start to finish can be built faster because the greatest portion of construction, including HVAC electrical and plumbing are completed under what are usually controlled climate conditions in a factory. Most everything is completed at the factory including the installation of cabinets and doors. Most fixtures, plumbing and electrical are in place before the modular home leaves the factory. When the modular home arrives on site ready to set on its foundation, there is less for contractors and subcontractors to complete. This saves a lot of time due to weather and scheduling issues that always seem to arise with traditional construction. That means savings of time and as everyone knows, time is money, especially in home construction

Saving on construction time saves big interest

With a typical construction loan, the first payments are basically interest. A common construction loan for a conventionally constructed home can be anywhere from 6 to 12 months long. With that in mind, consider how much will be saved in interest on the loan before it is converted to a conventional mortgage, if the construction time is cut from 6 months to 2 months. On bigger projects, the savings will be even greater. If you are required to carry the construction insurance modular homes can save even more. Because the structure is not exposed to acts of nature during critical stages of framing and construction, insurance rates are much more reasonable as well.

Less Wasted Material

Because modular homes are constructed under climate controlled factory conditions, material loss is kept to a minimum. On conventional construction sites, losses can add up to big dollars, due to poor weather, theft, and over all poor construction conditions, making modular home construction again more cost effective.

More durable construction

Because modular homes must be transported sometimes many hundreds of miles from the factory to where they will be placed on a foundation, they are held to a much higher standard in most areas of construction, to be able to withstand being moved. Better flooring which can be varied may include engineered floors on top of thicker nailed AND glued sub floors. Double and heftier constructed rim joists and thicker wallboard on ceilings and walls. Many of the added supports and bracing that are required for transportation can be left in place upon arrival which makes for a stronger more durable structure that holds up to the forces of nature better then do most conventionally constructed homes.

So if it's time to consider a new home, its time to consider a modular home. The advantages are many the savings are great and the risks are few to none. Lending institutions are aware of modular home advantages and many times are more willing to process loans accordingly. Modular homes have come a long way since first conceived of. Modular housing is no long to be considered second class housing as it once might have been. Today it is top quality and rivals any home construction method available.

Second Homes Are a Great Investment

The new millennium has not been good to stocks, bonds, mutual funds and other financial investments. Most investors have found that the best performing asset in their portfolio is their home. Real estate has been a safe haven for investors with appreciation far outpacing other investments. With the security and growing values of residential real estate, a growing number of home owners are now investing in a second home.

There are a wide variety of reasons why people built or buy second homes. City dwellers may want a home in the country for weekends and holidays. Northern may want a home in the sun where they can golf year round; Southerners may want a home in the mountains close to a ski resort. A large number of Baby Boomers are eyeing retirement and are building second homes anticipating it will become their main residence.

The primary reason for owning a second home is still lifestyle, however, the investment consideration comes in a strong second place. There are several reasons why owning a second home makes good financial sense. First, the appreciation of vacation residential property is expected to continue to rise for several years into the future. The changing demographics are a good predictor that second home ownership will continue to be strong for the foreseeable future. Baby Boomers reaching retirement age have more wealth than any previous generation and surveys show that ownership of a second home consistently ranks in the top one or two priorities for this group.

There are also tax benefits to second home ownership. Mortgage interest is deductible for first and second homes making home ownership one of the best leveraged investments. Any profit on the sell of a second home is subject to capital gains, or better yet, if you move into your second home and live there for at least two years, you can avoid any tax on the sell of your property.

With cell phones and high speed Internet, conducting business in a remote location is now a common occurrence. Being at the office full time is not as important as it once was and allows many executives and managers the luxury of using their second home more frequently than once was possible. Real estate has always been a safe investment. With a growing number of reasons why second home ownership makes sense, the demand for good locations and quality homes will rise. It is expected that second home ownership will be as common in the future as two cars are today for most household. Investment in a second home today will certainly be viewed as a wise decision in the future.

Is the UK Running out of Homes?

The simple answer could be "yes, unless more properties are built". However looking at research on the historical growth and future projections, there are some very interesting facts to consider. Firstly, with reference to 2006, let us look at the growth over the last 15 years, and the projections for the next 15 years.

Since 1991 there has been an estimated increase of 13% in UK homes from a figure around 22.4 million in 1991, to a projected 25.3 million for 2006. A similar rate of growth is predicated up to 2021 with an estimated 27.9 million homes required. This rate of growth should be sustainable providing that sufficient land and property are made available for development or redevelopment.

However with respect to the rental sector it is interesting to explore the underlying factors behind the projections of growth in homes required, of which there are probably two key factors. Firstly there is a continuing trend of net immigration into the UK. For example in 2004 it was reported that over 140,000 people were granted British citizenship and this number has been increasing each year since 1999. Additionally most new immigrants are of a relatively young age (recent statistics identify around 80% between 15 and 44 years of age). It is likely, although no evidence could be found, that a higher proportion of immigrants will seek rental accommodation.

Secondly there is a reduction in the average number of people living in a household, and this trend is expected to continue over the next 15 years. According to UK research the average size of a household in England (data not found for other countries) has fallen from 2.47 in 1991 to a projected 2.29 in 2006 and 2.15 in 2021. To look at it another way, over the 15 years from 2006, the number of homes required are projected to increase by 10.4%, whilst the population (based on average per household) will increase by only 3.75%.

So what does this really mean for the rental sector? Simply put, if we expect a 10% increase in homes built over the next 15 years, and a reduction in the average persons per household, then there is likely to be a proportional increase in rental properties required with the focus on smaller homes (such as flats or apartments). However for the private rental sector there could be an even greater impact if it is assumed that the government does not invest in expansion of social sector rental properties.

Consider the following argument. In 2005 there was an estimated 6 million rental properties, of which approximately 2.4 million were reported to be in the private rental sector. If we assume that a projected 10.4% increase in households by 2021 applies equally to the rental sector this would indicate a further 620,000 rental properties are required (social plus private). But if the total social housing stock does not increase then this demand will fall onto the private sector with an additional 620,000 homes required, representing a 25% increase on 2005 (when private rental homes were circa 2.4 million), or to put it another way an average of 40,000 new private rental properties to rent will be required each year. Is this an interesting opportunity for the private landlord?

Homes: Not Just a Place to Live - They are a Smart Investment!

When my husband and I bought our first home, we didn’t really have our financial future in mind. We were going to be getting married and needed a place to live. After 4 years of college and sharing dorm rooms and rental houses with friends, we knew that a lease wouldn’t work for us. Without any financial planner’s advice, we instinctively made one of the best financial decisions of our lives…One that would affect our bottom line net worth for years to come.

Recently, I got together with four single women friends from high school. It was interesting to see how their financial paths differed over the past 20 years. All four started out with similar degrees from four year colleges. The four started with similar salaries but in different industries. The two gals who purchased their homes were doing much better economically than the two who continue to live in apartments. As a Realtor, this intrigued me and I decided to look into it a bit further.

Homes are Smart a Investment for Anyone

According to the Federal Reserve Board, VIP forum, your net worth is directly tied to whether you own or rent a home. The statistics are astounding.

According to consumeraffairs.com, the national wage for the average American worker is $40.409. Their statistics show that the net worth of a family who owns their home with an annual income between $30,000 - $50,000 is over $126,000. Compare that to a renter with the same income and their net worth is in the $10,000 range. If an average American owns his/her home, chances are that his/her net worth will be 12 times higher than your renting coworker. Even at a low income, you can have significant net worth, if you own your home.

Stop Increasing Your Landlord’s Net Worth

With every rent check you send in, your landlord gets a little richer. And you don’t. It is that simple.

Many young single people are waiting for the “right” time to buy a home. Single women don’t want to buy a home and “put down roots” until they are in a permanent relationship. Single men don’t want feel tied to a house or community. This is old-fashioned thinking. The mortgages products offered today allow almost anyone with a stable income to purchase a home. Whether you are married or single, man or woman, the earlier you become a homeowner, the more financially stable you will be.

So what does this mean to the average American? Don’t wait!

Are you a college student? Consider buying a home near campus and rent out rooms to other students. Your renters will often pay your mortgage!

Single with limited funds? Start small and consider roommates. Remember as a homeowner, you will be responsible for maintenance and repairs so figure all costs into your budget when making your decision.

Think you may relocate soon? If you won’t be staying in the area for three years, it may be best to rent. If you currently live where the rental market is active, you may want to purchase and keep as an investment if you have to move.

Be Smart! Treat Homeownership Like an Investment

Maintenance is essential for your home to accrue in value. Periodic updating and basic home care is required. You have to keep the gutters clean and the roof in good repair. The heating system needs to be serviced and the exterior painted or stained to avoid weather damage. A good home repair book will give the first time homebuyer a guide to the routine maintenance required for your home.

Of course to continue to accrue net worth, this does mean that you need to keep the equity “IN” the home. Avoid enticing offers to refinance with 0% down so that you can take a vacation or buy a new car. Using an equity loan can be beneficial to you if you are using for home upgrades, remodels or to purchase a second home for recreation or investment.

Motor Homes

Few things are better than traveling, enjoying, and staying close to nature. Whether it is for an outing with friends and family or on some work, motor homes makes such dreams come true. With all the comforts and luxuries of home, they help make a working assignment more easy and a family outing more enjoyable.

Hundreds of companies provide different types, sizes, designs, and colors of motor homes. Tiffin Motor Homes, Fleetwood, Foretravel, Winnebago Motor Homes, Buddy Greg Motor Homes, Damon Motor Coach, and Roadtrek are some companies which provide luxurious and functional motor homes with all basic amenities.

Motor homes are ‘living units’ which are constructed on a chassis. They have all the amenities of a home such as bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, electricity, and many more. All that you need is a valid drivers’ license.

Different types of motor homes are available, all tailored to suit different needs. Class A (the bus type), Class B and Class C differ significantly in their size and other aspects. While Class A motor homes are large and roomy, Class C is usually held to be the safest, with air bags and seat belts. The convenience of Class B lies in its ability to be parked wherever one wishes, due to its size.

Diesel- and gas-powered motor homes are also available. Diesel is more fuel-efficient but also noisier than gas-powered homes, which are faster and hence provide better acceleration.

Motor homes can either be bought or rented. Some companies, like Poulsborv, Motor Home Rentals, Cruise America, Bates International Motor Homes and many more, offer homes for rent.

Rates for rental services vary, depending on the type of motor home chosen and other factors. A higher rate normally applies to certain busy months, while discounts are offered in other months.

With comfort and luxuriousness mingled, and usefulness and convenience even better than a hotel room, such motor homes are a must for anyone who wants a truly enriching holiday experience.

Cheap Second Homes – Get One, Enjoy It and Make Money

You want a cheap second home, you want it in a great area you can enjoy and you want your property to make money as well this is easy.

You just need to look at different locations and pick the best and thats what this article is all about.

If you are American you may find the cost prohibitive in the southern US states, as cheap second homes are just not available.

Look just a little further a field and just 3 hours from Miami, you can pick yourself up a cheap second home in a paradise location that gives you a lot for your money and can make you money to.

Record numbers are buying a cheap second homes in Costa Rica check out the facts below and you will see why and why this could be your best purchase ever.

1. Proximity

Just 3 hours from the US with regular cheap flights.

2. Low Cost

Buy a second home in Costa Rica and you get more for your money as real estate costs up to 70% cheaper than in Florida and Arizona and the cost of living is low.

You can live comfortably on just $2,000 a month, you simply get more for money here.

3. Lots to do

Costa Rica has it all rolling hills, pristine beaches, volcanoes mountains and much more. Fancy a round of golf or maybe some fishing or a rainforest tour? Costa Rica has them all and is ranked as one of the best adventure tourism spots in the world.

You also get quality shops, vibrant nightlife and all the comforts of home.

4. Safe, stable and friendly

The country is safe and stable, serious crime is rare and Costa Rica has a history of strong ties with the US and if you buy you get the same rights as residents.

5. Tax efficient and capital growth

Its extremely tax efficient and capital growth on real estate here is great. You may by a cheap second home but it will go up in value and property prices are up 500% in the last 10 years!

When your not enjoying your cheap second home you can take advantage of the buoyant rental market and make even more cash.

5 Tips for Buying Dirt Cheap Repossessed Homes at Foreclosure Auctions

Foreclosure auctions are the modern way of disposing or selling homes. The activity also makes up for a proper venue where home buyers and sellers meet up, interact and exchange ideas. They are really fun and exciting at the same time.

When homes are repossessed and sold at foreclosure auctions, sometime people find them more appealing and more convenient to buy.

During foreclosure auctions, potential home buyers are also given the opportunity to choose from a wider array of asset and homes for sale. Thus, they are given the free hand to decide and choose the particular type and style they want and prefer.

Here are some tips on how the transaction for buying homes at foreclosure auctions could be made more bearable, convenient and reliable:

1. Inspect the overall appearance of the house. Roam around and look for any defects, shortcomings or ruins that may entitle you for significant discounts. While doing so, do not take your eyesight off the tag price.

2. Inspect the garden and the accompanying equipment and devices and see for yourself if they justify the tag price.

3. Seek the help of a broker and agent. They could give you enough advice in assessing the asset for purchase. Be sure to know how and how much you would pay for commissions. Otherwise, just get on without them.

4. Bid. Haggle. Offer tenders at reasonable prices. Be sure not to over price the home, or you’ll regret it later.

5. Arrange for the payment terms. Some auctioneers accept installment based payments. However, for such conditions, premiums are also imposed. The payments can be made cash, through checks or other safe and efficient mode. Consider your options.

Buying homes at foreclosure auctions would never be tiring if you would passion to the activity. If you love homes, and you like appreciating styles and concepts, then go there and explore options and ideas. Keep you eyes on the prices, though.

Manufactured Homes vs. Modular Homes: Understanding Differences for Home Loan Financing

Many wonder what the difference is between a manufactured home and a modular home because both may be placed in a land-leased community or on private property. The differences are in how it is assembled and erected on the site as well as the building codes each must follow.

Manufactured homes, formerly called mobile homes or trailers, are constructed with a permanent chassis designed for over-the-road transportation and delivered to the home in one or more sections according to the National Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 enforced by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This is why they are also called HUD-Code homes.

HUD regulates the home's design and construction, strength and durability, transportability, fire resistance, energy efficiency and quality control. It also sets tough performance standards for heating, plumbing, air-conditioning, thermal and electrical systems. Manufactured homes are popular in the southeast and southwest, as well as in rural areas on private land with minimal land use restrictions.

Modular homes, sometimes known as state pre-manufactured homes, are delivered to the building site in largely complete form as multiple modules and placed by crane on conventional basement or crawl space foundations. The design and construction of modular homes are regulated entirely by state and local building codes similar or identical to those that apply to site-built homes. Modular homes account for about 3 percent of all homes built annually in the country or about 42,000 homes in 2004, according to the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB).

There generally is more difficulty in financing manufactured homes than modular homes and they can also be more difficult to refinance due to their originally being classified as "vehicles" and suffering similar property depreciation as automobiles and because many manufactured homes are on leased land. However, if you also own the land on which the manufactured home is built, and the home is immobile, getting manufactured home loans and refinancing is generally easier. Modular home financing, on the other hand, are treated in the same way as site built homes. With more people turning to manufactured and modular homes as low-cost housing solutions, it is getting easier all the time to find the right manufactured or modular home lender

New Homes in Las Vegas

A search for a perfect home in Las Vegas is often an exhaustive exercise that requires careful planning and research. Las Vegas has many housing options ranging from single family homes to investment homes, luxury high rise condominiums, townhouses or even homes for rent.

Housing in Las Vegas is in high demand due to rapid growth of immigration, a strong economy, booming tourism and the industries that support the tourism. Many investors are opting for real estate purchases in the area.

Also, with no state or corporate income tax and low vacancy rates, Las Vegas is a favorable option for real estate investments. Fast appreciating property prices, a good business environment, connectivity, and other community services make the package very attractive. The Las Vegas Nevada Metro is an upcoming attraction that adds to growth and property value appreciation. Some of the Las Vegas area builders with a quality reputation are KB Homes, Richmond American, Centex, Pulte and American West.

A number of high-rises with condominium complexes can be spotted in the skyline of Las Vegas, as the crowded downtown area becomes a city going vertical. These apartment-style accommodations open up an entire new range for new home hunters. With a price range starting at $400,000, they are selling quickly. Excellent examples of such complexes are the Trump Tower, a 64-story, hotel and tower on Las Vegas Boulevard; the Park Avenue Luxury Mid Rise condos that hold 20 residential buildings; the MGM Grand; the Conrad Hotel which boasts of an enviable central location; the Sky Las Vegas and The Cosmopolitan, among others. This line of homes blends recreation with a taste of comfort and a touch of style.

Outside of downtown Las Vegas, there are many other rental and purchasing options. With careful research and planning, anyone can find their perfect home in the Las Vegas area.

Las Vegas New Homes

Las Vegas has great new homes to select from in several different communities. When buying a new home in Las Vegas, it is vital to evaluate the different locations, amenities and options.

If you are thinking about relocating to Las Vegas, or if you are a Las Vegas resident looking to buy a home in the area, it is prudent to buy a new home. Buying a newly built new home gives several advantages, like the safety of knowing what components and materials went into building your home.

With the Las Vegas' desert climate, calculating your cooling and heating costs is important. New homes offer tighter windows, efficient heating and cooling equipment, superior air filtration systems and insulation, all adding to your energy efficiency, in comparison to homes built 20 years ago.

New homes are structured to meet today's more strict safety codes that give new homeowners a matchless level of protection.

If you buy a new home still under construction, you can decide on the color scheme, appliances and other design characteristics to suit your taste.

Most new homes are intended to handle the challenging electrical needs of the manifold high-tech devices you're bound to possess.

New home builders are required to give a warranty on the home's construction, and should you come across any difficulties, you'll know precisely who to contact to correct them.

Finally, there is something special about being the first person to live in a home. It gives you an opportunity to turn the new home into ?your? home and mold it into a lasting reflection of your personality, without having to first wash out years of a preceding owner's sense of style that can be very different to yours.